Sunday, March 27, 2011

White Dots On My Dog's Nose

Burgos Holy Christ, be our refuge ...

Holy Christ of Burgos / Jesús Pérez
this morning Main function took place in honor of the Holy Christ of Burgos, head of the Brotherhood of Penance of our town. In the Mass, which began at 1 pm, there was a baptism.

The Eucharist was presided by our local pastor, D. Justin Spur and sung by the Parish Choir. Attended performances of the Guild and Association of our people. After the Mass, the present chuceneros could kiss the foot of the image cristífera. Altar

simple but quite complete which has served to these cults, which candelería contemplate the passage of canopy with purple candles for Christ and targets for Madonna and the Magdalene. The floral adorns is based on red carnations and lilies and red roses. The Lord was escorted by three candlesticks on each side, mounted on a pedestal covered with red cloth which in turn was above the base of the mantle of Our Lady of Sorrows.


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