Sunday, March 20, 2011

Persuasive Essay On Security Cameras

La Hermandad del Cristo de Burgos celebrated Solemn Pentads to its owner

Cristo de Burgos
The Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Burgos, was immersed in a flurry of activity because of the proximity of Easter, celebrated its annual worship cristífero its owner.

Next Tuesday will begin the solemn 22 Pentads the crucified attributed to Pedro Duque Cornejo, to be held in the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Star in the following order: a quarter at 8 pm, Holy Rosary Exercise of machinery and final Mass. This Pentads runs until Saturday 26. On Sunday 27 will place the solemn Main function, in which the image of Cristo de Burgos will be in Besapiés.

All these cults are held by the Brotherhood's spiritual director and pastor of our people, D. Spur Justin Munoz, and sung by the Parish Choir "Our Lady Star ".


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