Sunday, March 27, 2011

White Dots On My Dog's Nose

Burgos Holy Christ, be our refuge ...

Holy Christ of Burgos / Jesús Pérez
this morning Main function took place in honor of the Holy Christ of Burgos, head of the Brotherhood of Penance of our town. In the Mass, which began at 1 pm, there was a baptism.

The Eucharist was presided by our local pastor, D. Justin Spur and sung by the Parish Choir. Attended performances of the Guild and Association of our people. After the Mass, the present chuceneros could kiss the foot of the image cristífera. Altar

simple but quite complete which has served to these cults, which candelería contemplate the passage of canopy with purple candles for Christ and targets for Madonna and the Magdalene. The floral adorns is based on red carnations and lilies and red roses. The Lord was escorted by three candlesticks on each side, mounted on a pedestal covered with red cloth which in turn was above the base of the mantle of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Tonight, Mass of the Brotherhood of Rocío After the Pentads

Simpecado of the Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Rocío tonight celebrates Mass in honor of the White Dove in the Parish Church. This "Dominguin" (to take place on Sunday instead of the traditional final Saturday of the month) will be held at 7 pm.

Mass will be preached by our Pastor, D. Justin Spur, and sung by the Choir rociero in our town. As usual, the Simpecado of the Corporation shall be placed on one side of the sanctuary of the temple.

Welcome Addrress Of Recognition Day

the Christ of Burgos

Cristo de Burgos / Jesús Pérez
We leave Pentads images of the Blessed Christ of Burgos, held this week in the parish church in our town. We can see the headlines of the Brotherhood on a simple altar.
Christ appears without power or crown of thorns. The Virgin and the Madeleine can be seen as we show in the gallery above.

Today is the main function, which will start at one o'clock.

Enjoy these pictures:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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In the nineties the leaders gained adherents against the wall putting his rivals, highlighting its qualities on the competition, with catchy phrases, with slogans studied. The famous (in Spain) "Mr. Gonzalez go away, go away!" is a perfect example of how leading and winning in the nineties.

Today the situation has changed a lot. Make no mistake, like the middle class has been disappearing and each time the distance between the two remaining classes are gigantic, the culture does the same. All or at least a large percentage can read and write, but that does not mean that the culture has improved. I refer to the evidence, without addressing the commercial depth of these, reggaeton, Belén Esteban and reality shows, are irrefutable proof that culture is in decline or at least those studied distance themselves increasingly globalized knowledge.

said that it is also true that we live in a world infoxicado (word taken from a TV commercial Mercedes Benz) and those curious we have access to more information than necessary, which makes us consumers more ferocious information.

platitudes aside and focusing on the core of the blog entry, today there are still leaders two decades ago. There is more to see the English political frontline, Zapatero and Rajoy, as are falling into a leadership system that is less decrepit, tired and has no credibility whatsoever. While Zapatero wants to show that all goes well, Aznar Rajoy attempts to emulate a pseudo "go" in the form of early elections. Not like one or the other. The two lost, like the country they claim to want to govern their destiny.

Today, we fill the discredits someone else, for that there are already discussions of Big Brother or heart programs several, now the leader of the second decade of the twenty-first century is a leader who offers solutions, not comparable with current or his rival, offers tangible solutions and analyzable. It's what brought Obama to the White House. His speech, bordering on perfection, provide solutions, not how bad it was in was under the mandate Bush / Republican, but left it behind and look forward, saying I know the problems, regardless of the guilty and I have the solution here have.

follower today do not want to see how tough and courageous as their leader when discredits their rival. That is the easy way today, the twenty-first century follower wants and demands solutions. The real leader the current, which is key to the future, you know.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

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La Hermandad del Cristo de Burgos celebrated Solemn Pentads to its owner

Cristo de Burgos
The Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Burgos, was immersed in a flurry of activity because of the proximity of Easter, celebrated its annual worship cristífero its owner.

Next Tuesday will begin the solemn 22 Pentads the crucified attributed to Pedro Duque Cornejo, to be held in the Parish Church of Our Lady of the Star in the following order: a quarter at 8 pm, Holy Rosary Exercise of machinery and final Mass. This Pentads runs until Saturday 26. On Sunday 27 will place the solemn Main function, in which the image of Cristo de Burgos will be in Besapiés.

All these cults are held by the Brotherhood's spiritual director and pastor of our people, D. Spur Justin Munoz, and sung by the Parish Choir "Our Lady Star ".

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Black Dog Of Death

Hebrew Mary is dressed for Lent

Lady of Sorrows / Jesús Pérez
Another year came Lent. And, as usual, brings us new images, especially in regard to dress when the images. In this gallery we see the Virgin of Sorrows, head of the Brotherhood of Cristo de Burgos, dressed for the occasion.

As can be seen, Madonna returns to lead the halo after several consecutive years wearing the diadem of silver released in 2003. Moreover, the image takes tissue, crown of thorns and is in its Pecherin the symbol of the Seven Sorrows in silver. As for clothing, the Virgin wears the typical on these dates: cotton satin robe blue and red velvet skirt, plus the belt "Hebrew."

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The Brotherhood of the Star celebrates a new edition of 'The Pig'

Virgen de la Estrella
Sacramental Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Star organized for Sunday morning on 20 tasting pork. The party is known as 'the pig'.

This celebration will take place in the Plaza del Condado where the Multipurpose Social Service Centre, from 1 pm. You can taste various dishes of our area whose main element is the pig (meat, liver, back ...), as offal, blood with onion or filets.

the afternoon hosting a flamenco dress parade organized for the occasion.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

White Spots Appeared On Dog's Nose

Forty days ... Our Lady of Fatima

Holy Christ of Burgos
/ Jesús Pérez
And it seemed that there would never come. Even a rainy day, today's is a special day for all Catholics and, in particular, for the brothers. Today is, nothing more and nothing less than Ash Wednesday.

As the swallow returns to its nest or orange blossom blooms again, spring is approaching and with it the week specified in the strongest red calendar, Easter. There are only forty days to return to hear the crackling of wood, see the movement of a backstage or the reflection of sunlight in a power or a crown, the discordant beat of a drum, wax mourn, rather than smell incense ever ...

We are in a time when prayer is important. It is one of the few means we have to approach God. It is also about this time Quinary to the Cristo de Burgos, ideal time to carry out, to prepare for the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord. That

these forty days we see in Christ and his mother, the Virgen de los Dolores not only as single images or a product of our folklore, but as almost direct contact with God and Mary, a role model, someone with talk to, who to ask for comfort ...

Today, at 20 hours, will take place, as usual, in the Parish of Our Lady of the Star, the mass of the imposition of ashes, which will be led by our Pastor, D. Justin Spur, to which all are welcome.

44 days remain to see them in the street ...

Happy Happy Lent and Easter.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pda Cia Hole In Heart

Chucena visit

The image of Our Lady of Fatima belongs to the International Association of Faithful of Pontifical Right will come tomorrow to our town. This is Marian missions that perform this religious association.

Tomorrow at seven o'clock in the afternoon will be the reception of the image in the Church of Alcalá de la Alameda. Just then, the Heralds of the Gospel and the people of Chucena move the image to the Holy Rosary Parish Church. Already Parish will be held the Holy Mass celebrated by our Pastor, D. Justin Spur.

The Virgin will remain in our people a week in which to visit the sick and disabled and in the chuceneros may pray in the Church. On Sunday 13, at 1 pm will Farewell Mass.