Monday, April 25, 2011

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The door opens again. Deception

La Divina Pastora and began this time with the
Triduum celebrated Holy Week

After Big Week, begins a new cycle in our town that will end at Christmas Glories. This year, given what has been late Easter, begins later than usual, even with the occasional breakthrough, as was the Triduum to the Divina Pastora and San Isidro.

start with the headlines above, with the traditional Pilgrimage Chucena, known rather as the Romerito, which will be on 13, 14 and May 15 in San Isidro (Friday) and Divina Pastora (Sunday) will reach Chucena through the streets of the town.

addition, the Brotherhood of Rocío held before the end of May the Triduum and the main function of the Paloma Blanca, concluding these acts and cultured with Rociero Proclamation. Then, when you arrive in June, Almonte on pilgrimage to the village to participate in the pilgrimage more universal.

After Pentecost Eucharist will arrive on time, with Solemn Mass and Procession Blessed Sacrament, Corpus Christi, due out this year under a blazing sun safe as it falls nothing short of 26 June, with summer already begun.

And only about a month later, on July 22, the Brotherhood of Cristo de Burgos celebrated Mass in honor of its owner, St. Mary Magdalene.

Then come to bring us back the joy of celebrating the great festivals of the town in honor of its Patron and Mayor for life, the Virgen de la Estrella, with the Ninth, the Proclamation, the levees and how summit, the coveted 15 August, when the image through the streets of Chucena.

Upon completion
holidays and harvest time is up, back in September, again the Brotherhood of Cristo de Burgos celebrated worship in honor of its owner Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, to be held in the glorious Triduum , the main function and the levee.

And with some time off, albeit with not as important feasts celebrated liturgically speaking at our place, such as the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary or All Saints, come December with the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin that celebrates, as every year, the Brotherhood of the Star, putting the finishing touches on this time as long yet so important. The door was closed yesterday, Easter Sunday. But today, Easter Monday, is reopened.

Friday, April 22, 2011

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Glory and tears in the Holy Thursday

Moment "miniretranqueo"
produced this Holy Thursday /
Jesus Perez
Could not be. And that it was not for not trying. At twenty past nine p.m. of the last Holy Thursday, the older brother of Cristo de Burgos, José Antonio Castilla, announced to the brothers and chuceneros who were in the parish church's decision not to station Penance.
had to change the weather situation to get out. Still, a glimmer of hope came when he left the Board of Governors of the extraordinary council officers met in the sacristy of the church and the bearers change the ramp side of the door, thinking of doing the reverse route, more convenient and faster to return if the rain made an appearance.

But an imminent threat of rain, which might check to see that the sky was again overcast, changed his mind and announce the sad decision, yes, correct, and that within minutes two heavy rain fell on Chucena. The entry of members of the music Banda Brothers Child "in the Church Moguer confirmed what would happen next.

In exchange for this, and to counteract the sadness that exists in those moments, the steps made a small setback to sounds of different gears. As they were preparing rang "Caridad del Guadalquivir." El Cristo de Burgos moved to the strains of "Mater mea" and "Hosanna in Excelsis." The Virgen de los Dolores played marches as "bitterness", "Aires de Triana", "A Ti ... Manu "," Encarnación Crowned "," Triana de Esperanza "or" Costalero. "Once lowered the Palio began to leave the Church, while the band played" Holy Mary of the Sun. "Also a surprise Nazarene everybody singing an arrow to the Virgin warmly applauded when he concluded.

Many cheers and high spirits at this time so hard for a Brotherhood which has been a year working in vain, but at least there is hope and a new year ahead to keep working and get more eager to hold images . And you are 347 days for a new Holy Thursday.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Chucena Chucena today live the Passion Queen

Virgen de los Dolores in its palio step
one of the days shine brighter than the sun. Comes time to make masks purple and live the Passion and Death of our Lord to live with more joy of his resurrection. Therefore, the Brotherhood of Cristo de Burgos put his starters in the street, culminating Big Week in our area. Hopefully, the time to give us a truce and have a station Penance Chucena smoothly. As a novelty, and after many years bringing back band, the Holy Christ of Burgos will chapel music.

Fervent Nazarene Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Burgos, Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Mary Magdalene.

Church of Our Lady of the Star. Centre. Two steps.

History: Although Burgos devotion to Christ comes from above, the Brotherhood is not founded until May 15, 1954, on the Marian image that was patroness Alcala de la Alameda, the Immaculate Conception, being restored as painful as the former Our Lady of Sorrows had an accident that shattered, which was restored nearly 50 years later to make it Santa María Magdalena. The Brotherhood has always been based in the Church of our people.

Big Brother: José Antonio Castilla.
Nazarenes: between 75 and 100. Robes of white or cream, with buttons, sash, purple cape and mask, bearing the emblem of the Brotherhood in the left side.
Holy Christ BURGOS: anonymous eighteenth century, attributed to Pedro Duque Cornejo, Abascal Fuentes restored in 1989.
Foreman: "Villa". costaleros 25.
Music: Chapel.

HOLY MARY OF SORROWS: anonymous sixteenth-century restored to be turned into pain in 1956 by Girona and retouched by Martínez Vallés Cerrillo in 1960 by Leo Ortega in 1978.
Foreman: David Caraballo. 30 bearers.
Music: Music Banda Brothers Child "by Moguer (Huelva).

Worth: touched the Virgin launches new passion pink tiara placed on her crown. Note the central street of the passage of canopy, which contains a relic of St. Angela de la Cruz. La Virgen de los Dolores, along with the Divina Pastora, are bearing the Chucena Gold Medal. Another curiosity is the kilt carrying the Christ, instead of traditional cloth.

Tour: output (21 h), El Pozo, New, St. Thomas, Calleja of the Widow, Torralba, Virgen del Carmen, Manzanilla, Plaza de Andalucía, Plaza de la Iglesia, entry Palio (1 am) .

Saturday, April 16, 2011

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shepherds us ...

Divina Pastora in the levee / Jesús Pérez
Like a queen dressed in their finery, but humble and simple as a pastor he is. La Divina Pastora exquisitely dressed, received the chuceneros who left their kisses on his hand.

After the main function, with enough flow, of course, the levees held this image, we see wearing her traditional leggings and white brocade robe. Besides it plays and tiara, rather than the hat. Also, check that releases a girdle and we can see Chucena medal in his chest and golden halo. Many of the jewelry that bears have been donated by residents after the theft last year. The Little Shepherd Divine, for its part has powers legging white and released last year. We can see also an excellent floral adorns, who can even remember the landscape camper. La Divina Pastora

expected and the arrival of a new Pilgrimage after the Triduum dedicated in his honor, for only 3 weeks remaining, there are lots of emotions ahead.

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Easter Worship Parish Chucena

occasion of Easter, the parish in our town, in collaboration with the Brotherhood of the Star (as Sacramental) organizes a series of events and worship, in which we can experience a closeness to God at this time so special. Cults are as follows:

Palm Sunday.
At 12:15, the blessing of palm branches and procession through the streets of the town, taking place following the mass.

Holy Thursday.
At 16:30, Mass. In Coena Domini. Celebration of brotherly love and the institution of the Eucharist. At the end, Solemn Procession and meditation cloister at the monument.

At 21 hours, Season of Repentance of the Brotherhood of Cristo de Burgos (detailed below).

At 12:00, Holy Hour before the Monument.
At 16:00, a celebration of the Passion of Jesus Christ. Reading of the Passion, worship of the Holy Cross and Holy Communion.

Holy Saturday.
At 23 pm, Easter Vigil celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

At 7:30 am, Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord and Procession of the Blessed Sacrament by the Church Square.

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The Lord came for the first time this year

Cristo de Burgos in the
Via Crucis / Jaime Fernandez
Here is the photo gallery of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Christ of Burgos the image of the crucified attributed to Pedro Duque Cornejo.

In this service, the prelude to Easter at our place, the Lord visited for the first time this year Chucena streets, in the absence of the Station Penance next Holy Thursday.

Brothers chuceneros generally faithful participated in this event as part of the procession with candles and singing between stations. Also, several men, both brothers as devotees, led the small litter of Christ.

After the Cross, the image of the Blessed Christ of Burgos was in Besapiés Devoto. We leave you with photos taken by Jaime Fernandez.

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Today, the Main Function

Divina Pastora during the Triduum /
Jesus Perez
This afternoon, the Association of the Divine Shepherd of Souls and San Isidro Labrador in our town celebrates Solemn Main Function in thanksgiving to their owners, after the Triduum, which started last Wednesday and ended on yesterday, Friday.

The Eucharist is at 20h (not at 21 as planned) in the Church of Alcalá de la Alameda and, as has been said and it is customary, will be celebrated by our Pastor, D. Justin Spur and sung by the Parish Choir "Our Lady of the Star." Also attending will be the authorities of our people and representatives of the Brotherhoods of Chucena.

After the Mass, Solemn levees will take place on the Divina Pastora. We leave you with images of the Triduum dedicated in his honor.

Friday, April 15, 2011

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Divina Pastora Tonight, Way of the Cross with the image of the Blessed Christ of Burgos

last year's Via Crucis /
Gema Romero
Today in our town, the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ celebrated Via Burgos Cross with the image of its owner, as each Good Friday in our town, in the act prior to the Week.

This worship will begin at 10 pm with the following route: Plaza de la Iglesia, Plaza de Andalucía, Torralba, Virgen del Carmen, Manzanilla, Plaza de Andalucia and Church Square.

The procession will consist of Cross Parish, brothers and participants with candles, flag the young group, rule book, banner, body of acolytes and walk with the Holy Christ. Read

stations Pastor, D. Justin Spur.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

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La Gloria comes before Easter . Triduum to the Divina Pastora

Divina Pastora in their extraordinary output last year
Elena Correa
always expected to end the Holy Week to begin a cycle which continues until November. But this year, as high given the date on which Easter falls, the Association of the Divina Pastora and San Isidro Labrador held Headlines cults to advance.

So next week, the Passion, is hosting both the Triduum, especially from Wednesday through Friday, with the following order: Holy Rosary at 20:40 am, Mass, Joys and final Salve . The conclusion of these acts take place in the Church of Alcalá de la Alameda. The intentions of worship will go on suffrage:

Day 13: the faithful departed.
Day 14: the marginalized and poor faith.
Day 15: world peace.

On Saturday 16 April, Easter Saturday, at 9 pm, will be the Senior Civil solemn thanksgiving, after which the levees will be the image of the Divine Shepherd of Souls.

All these days preach and formalized in rev. Justin PD Spur, our local pastor and Spiritual Director of the Association. The songs will be performed by the Parish Choir "Our Lady of the Star."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

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El Rocío in solidarity during Lent

The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Rocío announces that tomorrow, Friday, April 9, will go through the houses to collect food. This is an initiative with the aim of showing solidarity with the needy in our town.

The collection of these foods, preferably non-perishable items will be in the evening and the proceeds will be given to parish Caritas. Thus, the Brotherhood invited to perform an act that the Church asks the faithful at this time not by accident but as an act of penance, almsgiving.

Monday, April 4, 2011

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I think this video has an interesting background. I am of the conviction that the world will, inevitably, to basics, to the simple, back to the past. I think that's what is referred to these esoteric matters referred to 2012 as a year when the world will change. These statements (the non-radical and apocalyptic) has a logical sense when viewed in the way that I have to be analyzed.

Not that I believe we will leave the iPad to return the book, nor that we will return email to send telex, or leave to sail with ADSL and return to 56k modems. No. What I think is that the world has been twisting in on itself so that the end will give way, will break and how simple and easy, which is also logical, will be the most often.

I think the politicians will manipulate the millimeter measurements campaigns to understand that what people "infoxicado" ad nauseum, you're looking to answer, not marketing campaigns. I think the employer will no longer find a way to turn around its accounts, finding ways and means to outsource their customer what they want is a personalized, returning to the original idea of \u200b\u200bjoining the real artists, professionals and a strong sense of ethics. I think the media will stop focusing his editorials based on their customers, understanding no users that there are no customers and their clients seek the truth, not a lie told well. Etc.

The world tend to return to their original, logical and plausible.

Friday, April 1, 2011

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La Hermandad del Rocío pilgrimage back to the village of Almonte

Carreta with the Hdad
Simpecado. / Jaime Fernandez
The Brotherhood of Our Lady of Rocio in our town will start again a year more in search of the Paloma Blanca one spring night. And going 21. This time it will dawn on 3 April.

The start will take place at 3 and a half in our local parish church. The "2 second exit" from the sale will "Los Pinos" at 6 am.

Those who go can sign up at various facilities and the Brotherhood House since last Monday, paying 10 euros for snacks, drinks, coffee and sweets.