Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mit Czy Prawda Teoria Poznania

Bye bye blog

Cuesta. I do not deny it costs up to the idea that other toy where you have shed the ideas in addition to facebook and twitter. The blog is the creator of philosophers more aggressive out there. A large majority of bloggers use it as a secret diaries were used to tell these girls used some decades ago, where they vent our wisdom, our frustrations, regrets, analysis, ideas, dreams and colorful postulates. All to be our own philosopher.

But now we are being devoured by the social networks you can think of something witty while driving and think automatically update your profile as you can, either through your mobile computer or get home in their absence ... and then wait to see who likes, dislikes, because he considers it hilarious or witty. The problem is that many brains are connected to a network, the virtual space where we meet is so great that most of the time your witty go unnoticed. Still yet, it is simpler four long clever words to make an entry in your blog. The network is much more active, though much more limited (unless you post a note, aka blog).

the end having a blog is becoming more of a responsibility and review the visits are starting to have a different view of old, want to be the minimum number of visits in order to have the perfect excuse for not updating. So we humans look for the perfect excuse to blame ideal or error that you are committed. But hey, no way, the 15 visits that are received to date do not diminish. So we will meet, there will be a little less lazy and write a blog entry, parked for a while on Twitter to take over the space where you become a philosopher.

still here.


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