Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chetna Forums Mysore Millage

They ask people to move funds to the Virgen del Carmen and the Altar of Fatima

In this picture we see the lengths
of the Virgin of Carmen and Fatima
behind the altar during the
levee of the Virgen de la Estrella
UPDATED - 19.03.1911 (14:05)
parishioners came in yesterday afternoon Chucena streets to raise funds for the completion of 2 wooden shelves for pictures of the Virgen del Carmen and Our Lady of Fatima, currently located in the main altar altar of the temple.

This goal seek to remove the images, which were provisionally placed on the altar above, is to be carried out because, according to this group, "ugly" art of the altarpiece as a whole due to excess concentrated Marian images, something that was apparent in the cults of the Immaculate Conception came to gather up to 4 images Virgin.

The cost of this project will be between about 1500 and 2000 euros. The stands are already in place and with them, images, located just between the altar and door giving access to the sacristy and out, respectively.

Recyclable Craft With Yoburt Containers

trials have begun in the Brotherhood of Christ of Burgos

Brotherhood Easter is approaching. In yesterday held the first of the trials crews bearers of the Brotherhood of Christ of Burgos. Yesterday took the first contact with the shims Trabajadera the pale of the Virgen de los Dolores, as many bearers were absent from over Christ.

addition, the Governing Board of the Brotherhood calls on everyone who can participate as costaleros please go to the Casa Hermandad (Rabida street) during these trials, as the current number of bearers is not what they wanted to have. There

tests every Friday, except on 11 March until 1 April. That day will molt, and 14 will take place this month setback. April 29 will transfer back to the steps to Fellowship House. All these trials will take place at 9 pm, unless the setback, which will be after church.

addition, the Brotherhood has a service bar these days from half past 7 pm during these days to raise funds.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mit Czy Prawda Teoria Poznania

Bye bye blog

Cuesta. I do not deny it costs up to the idea that other toy where you have shed the ideas in addition to facebook and twitter. The blog is the creator of philosophers more aggressive out there. A large majority of bloggers use it as a secret diaries were used to tell these girls used some decades ago, where they vent our wisdom, our frustrations, regrets, analysis, ideas, dreams and colorful postulates. All to be our own philosopher.

But now we are being devoured by the social networks you can think of something witty while driving and think automatically update your profile as you can, either through your mobile computer or get home in their absence ... and then wait to see who likes, dislikes, because he considers it hilarious or witty. The problem is that many brains are connected to a network, the virtual space where we meet is so great that most of the time your witty go unnoticed. Still yet, it is simpler four long clever words to make an entry in your blog. The network is much more active, though much more limited (unless you post a note, aka blog).

the end having a blog is becoming more of a responsibility and review the visits are starting to have a different view of old, want to be the minimum number of visits in order to have the perfect excuse for not updating. So we humans look for the perfect excuse to blame ideal or error that you are committed. But hey, no way, the 15 visits that are received to date do not diminish. So we will meet, there will be a little less lazy and write a blog entry, parked for a while on Twitter to take over the space where you become a philosopher.

still here.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar And Coconut Oil

La Hermandad del Rocío is yet time to celebrate Frito

Simpecado of the Brotherhood /
Manuel Alberto Montes
Despite the good weather is doing today, the Brotherhood of Our Lady del Rocío and people are outstanding Chucena time to celebrate the XXI Fried, since the AEMET expected precipitation for tomorrow.

If expectations are not met, the chuceneros can enjoy this day coexistence from the morning until you drop in the meadow of Peru, whose entrance fee is 2.50 euros, with the right to a liter bottle of beer or a dish of fried, stewed potatoes, eggs, sausage, black pudding, bacon and pancetta.

If the rains make an appearance before the start of the day, the Brotherhood postpone this event next Sunday, 20 February.

This traditional "holiday" each year the Brotherhood gets raise funds to meet expenses.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tvfreeload Not Working

The Brotherhood of the Star celebrates the feast of Candlemas

Virgen de la Estrella / Jesús Pérez
Today is February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the Purification of Mary, popularly known as Candlemas, the feast held in many locations including Canary El Rocío.

Here in our town (for those who wish to attend) the Brotherhood of the Star memorial Mass celebrating the holiday. The Eucharist will take place tonight at 20 pm in the Church of our town. Will be led by our Pastor D. Justin Spur.

In this Mass, as every year, children under two years will be presented to the Virgin Mary, kissing the flag of the Brotherhood (as a representation of the image) and will be given a reminder of the act.