Friday, July 30, 2010

What Does Closed Hard Cervix Mean

island Aunt Carmen

Aunt Carmen was my aunt, but was also the aunt of my mother and aunt of my grandfather. It was my aunt, forged part of my character, was this sweet lady telling you that you ate all the food because there were children who had nothing to eat, was the grandmother who picked up your toys and enduring all your tantrums and malcriadeces His love knew no bounds, because she was all love, all sweetness.

the absence of mother, she made the role his sister did not want (or could not, I have not clear), to raise my grandfather, training and education in an island of Tenerife we \u200b\u200bcan only see white photos black, back in the war. Then did the same to share with my grandmother raising my mother and my uncle and then end up being who I will raise with my brother Daniel while my mother worked to get two children later. That lady

short, gray hair was born in 1904 and died in our lives in 1987. Twenty years have blurred picture, a story that we have unjustly been neglected, no one will remember when you were everything to us, we saw you pass by a cruel and painful old age, we will reduce day by day, until you stopped recognizing and confused me with my uncle or my mother as a child. At one time I forgot because your brain forever playing tricks on you, but your love, your love, your stubbornness and even your ongoing discussions with my grandmother are part of who I am today, for better or for worse there is a piece of you in me.

She never taught anything in a didactic way, do not you sit down and explain something, but he did not need, things just do not have to teach with words but with actions and this is the creek deeper learning and more is kept in our subconscious for the rest of our lives.

Aunt, twenty-three years which fortunately left to suffer. Today I'm not sure why I thought of you and wrong that we have been forgetting to go, but even blame this time, we must never forget that what you were everything to us.

There are many stories of yours that I remember, as when he was like seeing your family fighting over a piece of land burned some documents that made us owners of much of Guimaras and Arafo or when your tired brain playing tricks on you and you got up from the afternoon nap and asked for breakfast. I remember my grandfather playing with your lack of memory but instead of bothering you you laughed with him. Were and are an example, suffered much, you were a woman who dedicated her life to raising children outside but that did yours based on love. Maternal love. I love

Aunt Carmen.


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