Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What Kind Of Clothes Can A Baby Wear

Readings, 2009

"thoughtless men are careless readers, and only reflecting men are careful readers.
Leo Strauss, Persecution and the art of writing .

"Lucy closed the door and lit the lamp. Only had an evening dress, the black gauze wore to go to concerts. However, he thought, if he wanted to have dinner with a well-dressed woman could ask her a lot. Sebastian and must have known that she did not have many clothes, and if he did not care, it should not matter. Even so, it would have given anything to have something new to wear for him. "
Willa Cather, Lucy Gayheart.

"America was still, or that part of America, at most, a land in which the dream of a golden age or return to primal sources had not disappeared from the accounts and luck to those who surrender men ".
faretto Angel, Tempest and Assault .

"The splendid beauty belongs to a religious, fascinates and attracts the spirit at the same time arouses awe. Wake up the mystery of being as much as waiting for the spirit worship. It transports us to a time again, not ill at ease about their future uncertain, but quiet, invites us to join our mystery and the being delivered. The experience of beauty gives birth and the experience of reality, which are allied to the spirit and the body in the crossing and the consolidation of their respective dynamics.
Paul Gilbert, Metaphysics of Being patience.

"Since the first thing for us is not a philosophical understanding of the city but the understanding inherent in the city itself, the city prephilosophical, by which the city is itself subject to and conditional upon the divine in the interpretation power of the divine or which raises its gaze toward the divine. Only starting from this point will be exposed the full impact of the question of fundamental importance, coeval with philosophy although the philosophers do not often speak out: the question quid sit deus .
Leo Strauss, City and man.

"Therefore, all that inspires dislikes the word dictatorship, and even suspect who they consider the scheme with the utmost objectivity, they have to accumulate against Donoso Cortes, and both he and those who try to make justice will reach the old Latin axiom rumor dictatoris inicundus bonis. "
Carl Schmitt, Interpretation Donoso Cortés European.

"Any attempt (and there are many) re-introduced today in a democratic age, a hierarchical order is doomed to failure, they stay in a romantic nostalgia or become a totalitarian nightmare, because the conditions cosmological, epistemological and theological foundations for a hierarchy were destroyed. "
Jacob Taubes, The cult culture.

"Because of this terrenalización of the infernal, as well as the renewed appetite for mystery and the increasing banality of evil, resurfaced aesthetic manifestations in the form of a passionate love matrix otherworldly, almost ecstatic, but developed very earthly. This earthiness turn or experienced as sublime pays the contradiction is a constant factor of the condition and melodramatic representation. Go through the opera, melodrama, thriller and melodrama theater, cinema and paid to the concept and extends along the poetry of Argentine tango. "
Angel faretto, Passion commands, status and representation melodramatic.

"The woman scorned, she misses her husband's life and imprisoned in a gloomy castle walls waiting for their return, an image remains firmly fixed in many minds, but is no more true than in the ponds servant waving to silence the frogs and other nonsense inherited from the days when the barbarism of the Middle Ages was an indisputable dogma. "Regine
Pernoud, Eleanor of Aquitaine .

"When ripe, the secret is expressed through signs, songs, stereotyped code rather than through a transparent discourse.
Philippe Ariès, memory tests.


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